Say NO to Child Labour
And YES to Quality Education

My Abhilasha works for and with children, it works for equality, equal education, equal nutrition, equal health, equal opportunities, gender equality, humanitarian situations and relief during natural disasters
One of our core focusses apart from working on the ground is Advocacy and influencing policy. We believe that unless we continuously work with Government, National and International bodies to raise issues that need resolution or policies that need change, our work will not be complete.
My Abhilasha spends funds collected where it is most needed, by spending in programmes across India that help improve the health and education situation of children as well as take them out of child labour, child marriage, child pregnancies, abuse and emergency situations.
We believe that if there is one fund in which Indians should donate, it is My Abhilasha. My Abhilasha has a strong base of over 100 individual supporters who contributes regularly. But there remains a huge gap between funds required and funds available, therefore we urge you do donate whatever you can. More donations mean, a better future for more children and thereby a better future for India. Below are some markers of the current situation that we are fighting. We are bold, with your help we will eradicate these markers.
My Abhilasha is registered in India under the Charitable Trust Act, 1860.
Registration Number:- 07293/2010 (Under The Charitable Trust Act)
Measures & Solution:
Health & Nutrition
We provide robust health and nutrition benefits to the children coming from the most marginalised communities.
We help children with limited means get access to quality education, with a focus on street children and girls.
Child protection
All children have the right to a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Hance My Abhilasha has introduced Non Formal School where all the children are engaged in studies and other co-curricular activities. It keeps them away from unnecessary activities.
Children can't wait for help in the times of crisis. We work to help children move past the trauma of a disaster and rebuild their lives.

“Child labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time.” » Grace Abbott

All the kids are promoted to their next level . Thank you for your Support. You played a very important role in it